11 out of 120
When you think of someone as a soulmate you generally think of your significant other, your wife or husband. For me, this girl has made be realize that you can have soulmates in another way. Meet Abby; my soulmate. We met at a party and instantly knew we were meant to be. Not only is she the exact same person as me (but blonde and NOT asian) but we also experience things, emotions and people in the same way. I would be lost without her and her constant guidance, support and friendship is one of the things I value the most in this world. I mean who else can you send photos too with all of the ugly areas of our bodies circled in red marker and then laugh about it to each other?!?! I'm still waiting for her to hire me.... ahem?
Check out this sweetie juice and her company she owns with her manfriend: makeandco.com